

Streamsonic is a web-based player for your favorite music, available on any device and most popular platforms, with a focus on rewarding artists. It allows your friends to follow your likes, history and realtime playlists. We like to call it:

2-way radio

Start Listening

No curation

Listen to what your friends listen. Unfiltered, uncensored, unregulated content; No moderated content based on popularity or other biased metrics.

Reward your Artists

Built on top of Soundcloud’s music catalogue, Streamsonic offers the same playing options as any online music player, with the addition of artist payments. It costs you the listener nothing but your time. Listen to an ad and reward your favorite artists with a tip. A small contribution goes to your favorite artist every time you tip them!

Streamsonic connects to your existing music library so you can tip a band without streaming their misuc from a third party!

Multiple services support

We live in a world with many music services. Limiting just on one will never have the

Built on top of Soundcloud’s music catalogue, Streamsonic offers the same playing options as any online music player, with the addition of artist payments. It costs you the listener nothing but your time. Listen to an ad and reward your favorite artists with a tip. A small contribution goes to your favorite artist every time you tip them!

Streamsonic connects to your existing music library so you can tip a band without streaming their misuc from a third party!

Indepedent music distribution

We live in the golden age of online distribution ... A great stream for new artists to put their music in a social network that respects them.

Reward your Artists

Built on top of Soundcloud’s music catalogue, Streamsonic offers the same playing options as any online music player, with the addition of artist payments. It costs you the listener nothing but your time. Listen to an ad and reward your favorite artists with a tip. A small contribution goes to your favorite artist every time you tip them!

Streamsonic connects to your existing music library so you can tip a band without streaming their misuc from a third party!

Indepedent music distribution

Get paid monthly to your Paypal account. No delays, no .


We follow a complete transparency policy. See who listens to your songs, how many times, and what that amounts to .

* Note that only plays from premium users can have a payout.

Music for Apps

Integrate commercial music to any of your existing applications. Examples like:

Automated recommendations

Based on meta info you can request a type of song from your user's playlist.

Have preselected lists of "preferable" songs that fit your production.

Simple API

An easy API to add music to any application by allowing users to connect to their existing library.